Thursday, March 11, 2010

Oh how ironic

So...thanks to facebook I had forgotten that I started this blog, but happened across it today while surfing some of my favorite pro-blogger's wise wise words. The fact that the last post was almost exactly one year ago startled me just a bit. Coincidence?
A lot has changed for me over the last fact, EVERYTHING has changed in the last year. I'm loving the changes, loving the challenges, and loving myself more than I ever have before.
One of my favorite changes over the last year is my new tattoo. It's only half of the entire concept
I envisioned. When I get the guts to go through that kind of pain again, I will get the other half done.
The other half will be another lotus flower on the other foot and will say "be here now." These are things that I never want to forget-- and now I will look at them every day and be gently reminded to be present.

Monday, March 16, 2009

It begins

I was reading through some past blogs and felt a little foolish for some of the things I wrote...but only for a moment. I quickly realized that it is all part of my journey to becoming stronger, more enlightened and free. Here, I will start blogging some random thoughts and try to unthink them...that is, try to quiet my ego-driven brain and accept life and all its beauty.